Savor The Season: Snow Day In My Kitchen

By Suzanne Virgilio

I am truly livin’ the dream! After 35 years I am blessed with being able to retire from my teaching profession. Teaching cooking (I still refer to it as Home Economics) to middle and high school aged students had its perks.


First, I believe being around students either keeps you young or kills you! I like to think it kept me young, but my students may say otherwise. Second, and for me the best part, was getting to do what I love most, cook! Each and every day, I got to think about, talk about and MAKE FOOD.


Fast forward to January, something about this time of year in the northeast just makes me want to cook. Not the light-hearted fare of the summer months, but the stuff you don’t plan on until you hear the weather forecast. “Chance of snow,” time to make bread. “Freezing temperatures,” put on a pot of soup.


I’ve even subconsciously trained my family to anticipate special treats based upon the weather. My youngest son Peyton, now 16, said to me the other day, “Isn’t it rice pudding season?” With this in mind I’d like to share with you what’s literally been cooking in my house this month. I can’t wait to see what February’s weather will bring!

The Menu

Fruit & Nut Bread

Savory Stuffed French Toast with Double-Smoked Ham & Cheddar

Spicy Scampi Shrimp & Grits with Sautéed Greens

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