Our Ingredients: Honey

beeHoney is the nectar of flowers collected from bees and is an all-natural energy source for the body. Unlike white sugar, honey divides glucose and fructose which allows the body to absorb simple sugars and convert them directly into energy. Honey as a sweetener is more concentrated than granulated sugar, which means you can use less of it to achieve the same sweetness. Honey is an ideal sweetener, as it contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and has antimicrobial properties.

Honey gives our granola a sweet flavor and crunchy, mouth-watering feel that almost melts in your mouth when combined with the butter. The unique blend of butter and honey is unlike any other granola on the shelf, which is what makes our granola’s flavor special.

honeycombThe golden honey we use here at The Granola Factory is unfiltered, raw honey. Unfiltered honey keeps all of its benefits like pollen, enzymes, antioxidants, and vitamins. This is made by extracting the honey from the honey comb, liquefying it to a temperature no higher than 140 degrees Fahrenheit, straining it through a stainless steel mesh strain, and packaging it for consumption. This method is better than the rest because it does not change the honey’s true natural composition. By not heating the honey any more than 140 degrees Fahrenheit, the honey’s natural flavor is not altered and its mineral and nutritional content is not harmed.  Our 100% pure honey is a blend of clover and wildflower, from the US and South America.

We buy our honey locally from Sandt’s Honey Co. in Easton, PA and Dutch Gold Honey in Lancaster, PA. Sandt’s Honey Co. is wherbees-making-honeye our golden honey comes from and Dutch Gold Honey provides us with our certified organic honey. The organic honey comes from regions in Brazil where the bees can find nectar from various wildflowers that are herbicide and pesticide free. The reason behind sourcing the organic honey from Brazil is not only because of the healthy condition the bees are in, but also because of the large, desolate areas that can be set aside for organic production.



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